it's a coördinated psyop: describing non-existent connections between totally distinct entities creates an almost schizofrenic distortion. no wonder we can't seem to find our way out of the present madness. besides, some of the Classic's women characters really rock: Helen of Troy (great war!), Leda and the swan (one of Zeus' many antics!), Odysseus' wife Penelope (fighting off the suitors all those years), among so many others.

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You're right that there's already plenty of rock in the classics, especially among the women (Medea would provide great material for a band.) I don't know if I would go as far as to say that there's a psyop going on -- there clearly are bands who take inspiration from ancient history, though the connections are often superficial.

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indeed. inspiration for sure and rightly so, but does that make for a subculture? Medea, Antigone, Thisbe... so many great characters :-))

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