Are you aware of any connections between Shakespeare and Homer? There were not many English translations available during the time of Shakespeare's activity, so it's hard to imagine how he would be familiar with the poems themselves, although probably there were legends of Troy that he knew (e.g. Troilus and Cressida). Also, Shakespeare was quite shameless about lifting whole passages from authors whose work was available in translation, most notably Plutarch, but I don't think there are any passages in his work that seem to be modeled on Homer. So as far as I can tell he was essentially oblivious to Homer, but no one seems to address this issue one way or the other.
Good question. The answer could probably be a whole post on its own, but, in a word: no. As you say, Shakespeare's knowledge of the classical world came from other (mainly Latin) sources.
Are you aware of any connections between Shakespeare and Homer? There were not many English translations available during the time of Shakespeare's activity, so it's hard to imagine how he would be familiar with the poems themselves, although probably there were legends of Troy that he knew (e.g. Troilus and Cressida). Also, Shakespeare was quite shameless about lifting whole passages from authors whose work was available in translation, most notably Plutarch, but I don't think there are any passages in his work that seem to be modeled on Homer. So as far as I can tell he was essentially oblivious to Homer, but no one seems to address this issue one way or the other.
Good question. The answer could probably be a whole post on its own, but, in a word: no. As you say, Shakespeare's knowledge of the classical world came from other (mainly Latin) sources.