Statistically everyone has an average of 23 spiders within 1 metre of them.
A friend let a Huntsman spider stay on his bedroom ceiling. One drunken night he thought the ceiling was moving. No, thousands of the spider's eggs had just hatched and they were running away before their mother ate them.
A spider the size of one's hand suddenly appearing next to one's face certainly tests one's voluntarily muscular control ability.
There's a myth that the innocuous looking Daddy Long-Legs (a spider with a tiny body and disproportionately long thin legs) has a formidable toxin but no way to deliver it to a human.
Having stoned friends tell you of the wonder of running with abandon through the matchwood forests (managed forests grown for lumber where all the tress are planted on a square grid pattern) certainly gets old the instant you run into a king-sized bed sized spider web.
The last recorded spider bite death in Australia was in 1979 yet 12 or so people die from bee stings each year.
A bite from a White Tail spider might cause a progressive skin condition called necrotising arachnidism (the skin around the wound dies and the skin continues to die from the site of the initial wound.)
There is one called the Ogre-face Spider and another ,The Giant Hairy Hadurous-I know because I was trying to work out a dire spider phobia,and I did an art piece on these "Mini-Beasts."
The biggest spider(s) I've ever seen in my life were in a rental cottage in the central Main (US). Muscular (almost) and hairy black. Bigger than my open hand. I thought figuratively of tarantula although my knowledge of tarantula in reality is from zero to negative. Those Main spiders were somewhat shy. Stephen King (writer) has some deep thing about spiders in Main, no doubt. Peter Jackson (film director) has also his own depth about Australian spiders, sure thing.
Eight points
Statistically everyone has an average of 23 spiders within 1 metre of them.
A friend let a Huntsman spider stay on his bedroom ceiling. One drunken night he thought the ceiling was moving. No, thousands of the spider's eggs had just hatched and they were running away before their mother ate them.
A spider the size of one's hand suddenly appearing next to one's face certainly tests one's voluntarily muscular control ability.
There's a myth that the innocuous looking Daddy Long-Legs (a spider with a tiny body and disproportionately long thin legs) has a formidable toxin but no way to deliver it to a human.
Having stoned friends tell you of the wonder of running with abandon through the matchwood forests (managed forests grown for lumber where all the tress are planted on a square grid pattern) certainly gets old the instant you run into a king-sized bed sized spider web.
The last recorded spider bite death in Australia was in 1979 yet 12 or so people die from bee stings each year.
A bite from a White Tail spider might cause a progressive skin condition called necrotising arachnidism (the skin around the wound dies and the skin continues to die from the site of the initial wound.)
Well, that's ate!
Extraordinary - you must dominate the spider round of the pub trivia night.
There is one called the Ogre-face Spider and another ,The Giant Hairy Hadurous-I know because I was trying to work out a dire spider phobia,and I did an art piece on these "Mini-Beasts."
Part of me wants to google these to see what they look like. Part of me is too scared.
The biggest spider(s) I've ever seen in my life were in a rental cottage in the central Main (US). Muscular (almost) and hairy black. Bigger than my open hand. I thought figuratively of tarantula although my knowledge of tarantula in reality is from zero to negative. Those Main spiders were somewhat shy. Stephen King (writer) has some deep thing about spiders in Main, no doubt. Peter Jackson (film director) has also his own depth about Australian spiders, sure thing.
A muscular spider? Good grief. If spiders ever develop a taste for protein powder, we might as well run for the bunkers.
Better not!
I won't. I like being able to sleep at night.